I need to create a database and a user and make this new user the owner of this 
new database.
Since I cannot access postgres db from pgadmin client on my desktop, 
I tried to do the same from the command line on the linux db server:
su - postgres
-bash-4.1$ psql -d postgres

postgres=#  create user puser password 'xxxxxx'

postgres=#  create database pfdb owner puser
If I now try to list databases using \l
it lists postgres, template0 and template1 but not the new database I created...
How can I create a new database successfully ? It will be easier for me to try 
this from the pgadmin client. 

From: Thara Vadakkeveedu <thar...@yahoo.com>
To: Albe Laurenz <laurenz.a...@wien.gv.at>; "pgsql-admin@postgresql.org" 
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 8:37 PM
Subject: connecting to the database from pgadmin client

I am trying to connect to the database on a linux server from pgadmin on my 
windows desktop.
I see "Error connecting to the server: Fatal: password authentication failed 
for user "postgres"

I specified my linux server name for the host
port : 5432
Maintenance DB : postgres
passowrd: a passwod I set (using alter user postgres password command. I 
changed password as user postgres)
How can I connect to the postgres database ?

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