On 15.08.2012 01:02, Zdeněk Jílovec wrote:

I use PostgreSQL 9.2beta3 with PostGIS 2.0.1 and if I try create GIST index
on column geometry(Point,2065) I get error:

test=>  CREATE INDEX places_point ON places USING GIST(def_point);
ERROR:  failed to re-find parent for block 18097

It works on 9.1

Hmm, I bet this is a bug in the new GiST buffering build code. There was an earlier bug that led to "failed to re-find parent" errors that I fixed back in May, but maybe I missed some corner case.

I can send a table dump (43 MB - bzip2).

Yes, please send the dump to me off-list, and I'll take a look.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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