On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 3:55 AM Zwettler Markus (OIZ) <
markus.zwett...@zuerich.ch> wrote:

> we have to migrate from hosted PG12 to containerized PG16 on private
> cloud.
> some of the installed PG12 extensions are not offered on the containerized
> PG16, eg. PostGIS related extensions like pg_routing and ogr_fdw.
> some of these extensions are not needed anymore. some of these extensions
> were installed in their own schema.
> we also need to change the database names and most role names due to
> external requirements.
> I came up with this solution.
> dump all roles with pg_dumpall.
> edit this dumpfile and
>    - exclude roles not needed
>    - change required role names
> dump all required databases with pg_dump
>    - in plain text
>    - exclude all schemas not needed
> edit this dump file and
>    - exclude any "create extension" command for not existing extensions
>    - change all required role names on permissions and ownerships
> any missings?
> any better solutions?

How big of a database?

Editing a giant SQL file in vim is painful.

I'd do this, which is conceptually similar to your plan:
* pg_dump -Fd
* pg_restore --list
* Edit the generated list
* pg_restore --use-list=edited_list

 I wonder whether a plain text dump could lead to conversion problems or
> something similar?

Maybe, if the collations are different between the source and destination.

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