On 7/11/07, Andrew Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 10, 2007 at 08:09:11PM +0200, Adrian von Bidder wrote:

> If your  operating system is able to schedule the threads/processes across
> CPUs, PostgreSQL will use them.

But notice that hyperthreading imposes its own overhead.  I've not
seen evidence that enabling hyperthreading actually helps, although I
may have overlooked a couple of cases.
I don't have any metrics of my own to present (nor do I care enough
to try and gather them), but there are a few tests with kind of varied
results, depending on WHAT one wants to use HT for.

Have a look at these:

In how far they're relevant to Postgres is left as an
exercise to the reader :}


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