On 10/1/07, pere roca ristol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hi everybody,

>   I want to enter a .CSV file using COPY comand and plpgsql.
>   It enters latitude,longitude and some data. In the CSV data there is no
> field (such as "user_name" or current_time) that allow distinguish future
> queries for different users (ex: select x,y from table where user_name=z;
> after entering lat,lon I would like to update the_geom in  another table
> using the lat,lon of ONLY this user).

>   I could update this kind of data ("user_name") using php but next user
> could not enter his data by COPY (it only lets fill the destination table if
> ALL the fields are the same as the CSV or text file).
I'm not a 100% certain I understand what you're trying
to achieve, but to me this looks like a mis-use?  Why
not use the relational features of your RDBMS and just
pick a location from a table created once via a unique
value you assign during (or after) the COPY?

>   Thanks,
>   Pere

Please don't top post, and don't use HTML e-Mail :}  Make your quotes concise.


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