Ow Mun Heng wrote:
>>> Input is of form 
>>> 'ppp','aaa','bbb'
>>> I want it to be stripped of quotes to become
>>> ppp,aaa,bbb
>> I'm a little confused that you think that you will have to
>> escape single quotes in the input.
>> What is your use case? Normally the input is in some variable
>> in some programming language.
>> Escaping single quotes is only for string literals.
> The input is for an SRF which accepts an array..
> eg:
> select * from foo(date1,date2,'{aaa,bbb,ccc}')
> where the function goes..
> create function foo(timestamp, timestamp, foo_list text[]) 
> returns setof
> ...

Yes, but where does '{aaa,bbb,ccc}' come from?
I assume that this string literal is only an example
that you use to describe how the function is called.

In reality you will have varying values for the
foo_list function argument. So you'll store it in some
kind of variable, right?

In which programming language do you write?

Laurenz Albe

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