I expect that my intuition is incorrect about the use of ALL() and ANY(), but I 
found my result to
be reverse from what I expected. 

Can anyone explain why <> ANY() behaves that way it does?

Here are two test case examples that do what I expect:

-- find all parent that only have boys
  FROM Parents AS P
 WHERE 'boy' = ALL ( SELECT gender
                       FROM Children AS C1
                      WHERE C1.parentid = P.parentid );

-- find all parent that only have girls
  FROM Parents AS P
 WHERE 'girl' = ALL ( SELECT gender
                        FROM Children AS C1
                       WHERE C1.parentid = P.parentid );

Here is the example that doesn't do what I expect:

--find all parents that have a mixture of boys and girls.
--but this doesn't return anything
  FROM Parents AS P
 WHERE 'girl' <> ALL ( SELECT gender
                         FROM Children AS C1
                        WHERE C1.parentid = P.parentid )
   AND 'boy' <> ALL (  SELECT gender
                         FROM Children AS C1
                        WHERE C1.parentid = P.parentid );

--This query gets what I want
--but I believe that it shouldn't return anything

  FROM Parents AS P
 WHERE 'girl' <> ANY ( SELECT gender
                         FROM Children AS C1
                        WHERE C1.parentid = P.parentid )
   AND 'boy' <> ANY (  SELECT gender
                         FROM Children AS C1
                        WHERE C1.parentid = P.parentid );

Richard Broersma Jr.

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