novnov wrote:
> My project is currently SQL_ASCII encoded. I will need to accomodate
> both French and Spanish in addition to English. I don't anticipate
> needing Far East languages. Reading here on the forums I come up with
> Latin9 as perhaps adequate. But others recommend unicode for
> relatively simple needs like my own.

LATIN9 or UTF-8 are the appropriate choices for your project.  The 
choice between these is mostly a matter of taste, unless there are 
additional requirements in the project.  Nowadays, many operating 
systems configure themselves to use Unicode by default, and so there is 
probably no reason to use a more restricted character set.

Note that some versions of PostgreSQL have various degrees of trouble 
with UTF-8 support.  Be sure to use the latest version.

Peter Eisentraut

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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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