On 14/03/2008, rrahul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Thanks to all you wonderful people out their. I don't know if its your love
>  for Postgres or nepothism that makes it look far superior than mysql.
>  But why does the client list dosen't tell that?
>  I see Mysql bosting for Google,Yahoo, Alcatel......
>  What about Postgres the list is not that impressive.
What can I say?  96% of personal computers run some form of
windows.  Does that mean it's a superior product to a PC running
Linux, or a Mac w/  MacOS?
I'd say "no" (actually more like "NOOO!"), because windows doesn't let
me do 80% of the things that I do (need to do) with my PC.

>From the fact hat the user-base is so massive, can I deduce that
windows is superior in terms of security or easy maintenance?
My personal experience says "No, no way".

What then?  Could it be marketing or the sad results of a avalanche
effect? Geee, there's a thought.

>  cheers,
>  Rahul.

Please don't top post, and don't use HTML e-Mail :}  Make your quotes concise.


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