Just curious, would PostgreSQL be considered secure for applications involving 
financial matters where the clients have a direct database logon?

First, to clarify, I'm not in a serious position to write such an application.  
I'm just wondering.  :-)  If it is possible, I may make a proof of concept 
application and document it on a public website.  Kind of for fun, but also 
as a learning experience.

It seems like it would be possible to be secure by writing functions defined 
as SECURITY DEFINER, which would be owned by the postgres user.  A client 
could call this function, and it would try to do what the client asks.  It 
would then check that things are still OK and rollback the transaction if 

What I haven't figured out yet is, could anything prevent the client from 
running BEGIN, then calling the function, then waiting around a long time 
before running COMMIT?  The concern is that they could wait until conditions 
are different and then decide to commit or rollback, and/or hold locks that 
would prevent other clients from doing what they want.

In other words, is it possible to do one of:
* A stored procedure detects that it has an enclosing transaction and 
immediately abort if so, or
* Put some kind of transaction time limit for clients?

Maybe it's nuts to consider such a setup (and if you're talking a major bank 
it probably is) ... and maybe not.  At this point it's kind of a mental 
exercise.  :-)


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