On 29/05/2008, Bob Pawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ... get their point across up front without making me wade through
> previous posts which I have already read.
Good for you :}

>  I can understand the concept of bottom posting
No one advocates bottom-posting here. It's all about intersparsed
with relevant bits left standing.

>  The concept of most lists should be "the free exchange of ideas in the most
> efficient manner possible".
Which is per agreement on the list intersparsed. Which also allows people
only just hopping onto the train of thought to get a good understanding
of what a thread is about without having to read the lot top to bottom.
May not match your individual preference, but then that's not what the
list is about, either.

>  Bob

Please don't top post, and don't use HTML e-Mail :}  Make your quotes concise.


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