Hi list,
I have found the following problem: I have declared a domain datatype with a check constraint. The check constraint uses a plpgsql function:

CREATE FUNCTION domain_ok(value integer) RETURNS boolean AS $$
   RETURN value > 0;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

CREATE DOMAIN testdomain integer CHECK (domain_ok(value));

I then wrote a plperl function that returns a set of this domain type:

CREATE FUNCTION testfunc() RETURNS SETOF testdomain AS $$
return undef;
$$ LANGUAGE plperl;

When I try to call the function I get the following error message:

test=# select * from testfunc();
ERROR: error from Perl function: SPI_connect failed: SPI_ERROR_CONNECT at line 2.

The problem goes away if I declare the testfunc to return an integer. Even a domain with a "normal" check constraint (i.e. without one that calls another function) does not cause this error.

Is this a known bug? Or do I miss something?


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