Radoslaw Zielinski wrote:
>   radek=# \d kandydaci
>              Table "public.kandydaci"
>         Column       |       Type       | Modifiers 
>   -------------------+------------------+-----------
>    id_rekordu        | bigint           | not null
>    id_osoby          | integer          | not null
>    id_rodzaju_adresu | smallint         | 
>    score             | double precision | not null
>   Foreign-key constraints:
>       "kandydaci_fk_id_rekordu" FOREIGN KEY (id_rekordu) REFERENCES 
> rekordy(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
>   radek=# select count(*), sum((r.id is null)::int) as 
> orphans from kandydaci k left join rekordy r on r.id=k.id_rekordu;
>    count | orphans 
>   -------+---------
>     1472 |     152
>   (1 row)
> The "orphans" count should be 0, obviously.

Just to make sure that there is really an inconsistency:

Could you pg_dump both tables and try to load them into
another database? If that works without errors, we must have
missed something obvious.

Laurenz Albe

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