On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 23:35:12 +0300 (MSK)
Oleg Bartunov <o...@sai.msu.su> wrote:

> Do you guys wanted something like:
> arxiv=# select and2or(to_tsquery('1 & 2 & 3'));
>         and2or 
> ---------------------
>   ( '1' | '2' ) | '3'
> (1 row)

Nearly. I'm starting from a weighted tsvector not from text/tsquery.
I would like to:
- keep the weights in the query
- avoid parsing the text to extract lexemes twice (I already have a

For me extending pg in C is a new science, but I'm actually trying
to write at least a couple of functions that:
- will return a tsvector as a weight int, pos int[], lexeme text
- will turn a tsvector + operator into a tsquery
  'orange':A1,2,3 'banana':B4,5 'tomato':C6,7 ->
  'orange':A | 'banana':B | 'tomato':C
  or eventually
  'orange':A & 'banana':B & 'tomato':C


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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