On Monday 09 August 2010, Randal L. Schwartz elucidated thus:
> >>>>> "Joshua" == Joshua J Kugler <jos...@eeinternet.com> writes:
> Joshua> I'll add in a "me too" only to say that I am someone that
> learns Joshua> best by example.
> Keep in mind though that there are three primary learning modes:
> - example
> - concept
> - structure
> Do not overemphasize the example mode at the cost of presenting
> concepts or structure.  You need all three.

Oh, definitely.  I like reading the concepts and structure of how, say, 
an API works, and use it for reference, but what really cements *how* 
to use it is those examples.


Joshua Kugler
Part-Time System Admin/Programmer
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0x73B13B6A

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