On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:21:21 +0200
"Massa, Harald Armin" <har...@2ndquadrant.de> wrote:

> I want to access the single words in a text. Better yet: the
> relevant words (i.e. without stop words) in a text.
> to_tsvector or casting gets me the lexems as a tsvector:

I wrote this piece of C code more than a year ago. [1]
It has been working in a production environment for quite a lot.

It just works with versions < 8.4 since it doesn't support *.
I'd be willing to maintain the module or even expand its
features and release it on any license that will please postgresql
community if my effort would actually make it more easily available
to other people but throwing it on the internet won't be enough.

If someone think it is worth the effort to help me understand how
that could happen I'd be glad to learn.


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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