On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 3:51 AM, Manoj Govindassamy
<ma...@nimblestorage.com> wrote:
>>> 1. Transaction which was stuck right when slave going away never went
>>> thru even after I reloaded master's config with local commit on. I do see
>>> all new transactions on master are going thru fine, except the one which was
>>> stuck initially. How to get this stuck transaction complete or return with
>>> error.

Changing synchronous_commit doesn't affect such a transaction. Instead,
empty synchronous_standby_names and reload the configuration file to
resume that transaction.

>>> 2. Whenever there is a problem with slave, I have to manually reload
>>> master's config with local commit turned on to get master go forward. Is
>>> there any automated way to reload this config with local commit on on
>>> slave's unresponsiveness ? tcp connection timeouts, replication timeouts all
>>> detect the failures, but i want to run some corrective action on these
>>> failure detection.

PostgreSQL doesn't have such a capability, but pgpool-II might have.
Can you ask that in pgpool-II mailing-list?


Fujii Masao
NTT Open Source Software Center

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