Here's the problem....

I have a table with a column called "last_name".  I have one customer who likes 
to articulate queries and updates for this using column name "last_name" (no 
problem there) but another who likes to call it "lname" and yet another who 
likes to call it "surname".    So 3 different names for the same physical 
column in the table.

I know a view can be used to alias one of them. But what about the other 2?  
Three views (or 2 views and the main table) is awkward.  Also, you can't modify 
the data through a view.

I thought of having a table with the 3 column names in there "last_name", 
"lname" and "surname".  The queries should work fine.  As for the updates and 
inserts,  have a before trigger make sure they're all synched up.  But that 
only works if only one of the value changes, otherwise how do you know which 
one to sync up to! Hmmmm.....

Does anyone know of an elegant way to do this?

Thanks in Advance

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