On 08/22/12 5:23 PM, Mike Christensen wrote:
I'd like to import this data into a Postgres database:


However, I'm not quite sure what format this is.  It's definitely not
CSV.  Here's an example of a few rows:

this worked for me... (in psql)

create table test (f1 text,f2 text,f3 text,f4 text,f5 text,f6 text,f7 text,f8 text,f9 text);
 \copy test from DATA_SRC.txt with delimiter '^' csv quote as '~'
select * from test;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f1 | D1066
f2 | G.V. Mann
f3 | The Health and Nutritional status of Alaskan Eskimos.
f4 | 1962
f5 | American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
f6 | 11
f7 |
f8 | 31
f9 | 76
-[ RECORD 2 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f1 | D1073
f2 | J.P. McBride, R.A. Maclead
f3 | Sodium and potassium in fish from the Canadian Pacific coast.
f4 | 1956
f5 | Journal of the American Dietetic Association
f6 | 32
f7 |
f8 | 636
f9 | 638
-[ RECORD 3 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
f1 | D1107
f2 | M.E. Stansby
f3 | Chemical Characteristics of fish caught in the northwest Pacific Oceans.
f4 | 1976
f5 | Marine Fish Rev.
f6 | 38
f7 | 9
f8 | 1
f9 | 11

obviously, use better field  names...

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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