
was wondering if there is anyone wanted to share some experiences gained and some knowledge on pl/Java. Have looked into it for a couple of days now and am getting the impression it is not something ready to use in production environment. Also have trouble sending to the developer mailing list (the last email on the mail archive of that list is almost three weeks old) which raises questions on how active this project is.

Have worked with PostgreSQL and pg/SQL before and also used Apache Derby in the past. On Apache Derby I have implemented some stored procedures using Java code and my interst now was on seeing how much of this could be re-used this pl/Java so PostgreSQL could potentially become a second data base backend my application would run on.

But trying to port my java procedures from Derby to PostgreSQL had a bad start and for me pl/Java and the support around it so far suggest not to pursue this any further. Why?. Porting the simlest procedure was possible, but trying procedures with out parameters was not.

Has anyone made the same experience with pl/Java or is it just my lack of understanding (in conjunction with a lack of documentation on pl/Java).

Thanks a lot in advance

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