I would like to add a private "key" to make
my dbh's different throughout my script:

        eval {
                my $dbh = DBI->connect_cached(DSN, DBUSER, DBPASS, {
                    AutoCommit => 1,
                    MY_PRIVATE_KEY => __FILE__.__LINE__,   ### <-- HERE
                    PrintWarn => 1,
                    PrintError => 1,
                    RaiseError => 1,
                    FetchHashKeyName => 'NAME_lc',
                    pg_enable_utf8 => 1
                ..........SQL commands.......
        warn $@ if $@;

As sugested by

But how could I check - if this has worked
at my server and spawned more connections
through the  /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432
(versus the pg_bouncer connections
for PHP-scripts through  /tmp/.s.PGSQL.6432) ?

I've tried:

# select * from pg_stat_activity where usename='XXXXX';

but the client_port is null there
(because I use Unix sockets?)


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