Thanks to Edson and Dave for lightning responses.
I'm confident that your answers will do the job.
I'll follow up on the advice AFTER I get my coffee ;-)

I'm really focused on the NLP content of my research,
but I need a DB infrastructure to do it right.
(Not a bunch of files as in ancient times.)

 --- Bob

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Edson Richter <>wrote:

>  You have two options:
> st.execute("insert into hello values ('bKey', "+f1()+")");
> or
> PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("insert into hello values
> ('bKey', ?)");
> st.setInteger(1, f1());
> where 1 is the first parameter, 2 is the second parameter, and so on.
> Regards,
> Edson Richter
> Em 28/01/2013 16:50, Bob Futrelle escreveu:
> Here's a small, but complete code example - Bob
>  package;
>  import java.sql.*;
>  /**
>  * This is an effort to get a computed value from a Java function
>  * (or data object) included properly in the VALUES entries.
>  * So, how can I declare an SQL variable and set its value to some Java
> value?
>  * Results viewed in pgAdmin3  with query 'select * from public.hello'.
>  *
>  * Jar in classpath is postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar
>  *
>  * @version 0.1  Mon Jan 28 EST 2013
>  * @author Bob Futrelle
>  */
>  public class JDBCVariableTest {
>  Connection db;
>  Statement st;
>  Boolean boo;
>  public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
>  JDBCVariableTest testIt = new JDBCVariableTest();
>  testIt.helloVariables();
>  }
>  public int f1() { return 3;}
>  public void helloVariables() throws SQLException  {
>  int intVar = f1();  // OK in Java, but SQL/JDBC?
>  try {
>  db = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql:Articles",
> "robertfutrelle", "<my pw>");
>  st = db.createStatement();
>  boo  = st.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hello ( Name VARCHAR NOT
> NULL PRIMARY KEY, value int)");
>  // Declare ....  ??
>   // INSTEAD OF THE LITERAL 4 VALUE (which works)
>  // how do I declare a variable and assign the f1() return value to it
>  // and then include it so the value 3 appears in the inserted record?
>   //st.execute("insert into hello values('aKey',4)");
>  st.execute("insert into hello values('bKey',4)");
>  } catch (SQLException e) {
>  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
>  e.printStackTrace();
>  }
>  }
> }
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Dave Cramer <> wrote:
>> Bob,
>>  Can you provide a snippet of code so I can understand what you mean by
>> declare ?
>> Dave Cramer
>> dave.cramer(at)credativ(dot)ca
>> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:11 AM, Bob Futrelle <>wrote:
>>> Do the declare statements and insert all have to be done in one
>>> statement execute()?
>>> That is, what is the scope of variables I declare?
>>> I see a variety of syntax examples, some for older versions?
>>> I'm using pg 9.2.2, so what are the rules/syntax for declaring and using
>>> variables?
>>>  Use case: I collect metadata from XML articles such as title,
>>> journalName, volume, year.  For each article I need to create a pg table
>>> record and insert the values for the various metadata items in the article.
>>>  This is my first post to this list.
>>>  Thanks,
>>>   - Bob

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