On 04/09/2013 09:06 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Fabio Rueda Carrascosa escribió:
My grant/revoke architecture is fine, you mean about costly cpu/ram queries?

Sure.  The SQL dialect supported by Postgres is Turing-complete, so
people can write statements that consume arbitrary amounts of RAM and
diskspace, and run for arbitrary amounts of time -- regardless of
work_mem and other settings.  (Actually, this was true even before the
dialect got to be Turing-complete).

A simple example that can crush your machine if you aren't careful:

select generate_series(1,1000000000000);

Now run it on 4 connections.


Joshua D. Drake

Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/
PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Development
High Availability, Oracle Conversion, Postgres-XC
@cmdpromptinc - 509-416-6579

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