> PG 8.4
> Having trouble putting together an update query to update multiple
> columns in tbl1 from columns in tbl2.
> update tbl1
> set col3,col4,col5
> from
> (select col3, col4,col5 from tbl2 where col1="criteria")
> Can someone add to the Postgres Docs (shown below) to help me with
> this.
> UPDATE employees SET sales_count = sales_count + 1 WHERE id =
>   (SELECT sales_person FROM accounts WHERE name = 'Acme Corporation');
> Many thanks
> Bret Stern

Your question isn't very clear.
Are you updating all records in tbl1? 
Or col1 in tbl1 should also match col1 in tbl2?

If that's the case:

UPDATE tbl1 t1 
  SET col3 = t2.col3, col4 = t2.col4, col5 = t2.col5
  FROM tbl2 t2
  WHERE t1.col1 = t2.col1
    AND t.col1 = "criteria";

Igor Neyman

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