Hi Steve,

On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Steve Erickson

>  While prepping a second server today the /var/lib/postgres/ directory
> got deleted.  Yes, everything.  We’re running on Ubuntu 10.4 and Postgres
> 8.4.  We immediately shutdown everything but now need to recover the
> directory tree.  No, the customer did not do any backups – the database was
> just under 1 TB and they didn’t want to take the time.
> We’re looking into using extundelete or ext4magic to try to recover the
> files and, if successful, are there any further steps we need to take to
> bring up the database again?
> If we’re unsuccessful, we do have a filesystem backup from several months
> ago that we can apply and then go through the tedium of trying to fill in
> the missing blanks for those months.  Since there are so many rows, is
> there a tool or procedure we can use to verify the integrity of the data
> once Postgres is back up and running?
> I don’t expect any miracles, but want to be sure there isn’t less
> intensive alternative out there.
> Thanks,
 Steve Erickson

I would like to forward this question to pgsql-general mailing list, since
it's a postgresql related question.


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