On Monday, June 30, 2014 04:52:32 PM you wrote:
> Hi Arup,
> Two ways come to mind for me. They're pretty much the same as Szymon's,
> just minus the sample table creation. I would suggest creating a view
> instead, so you can just select from it whenever you please.
>  create view vw_employee as
>    select * from employees
>    where ((age(joining_date::date) like '5 years%') or
> (age(joining_date::date) like '10 years%') )

But I am using Ruby on Rails framework to develop web application. Here I use 
basically query. If no way, then I go for view. It seems I can use this as a 
select query. But view of course a good idea.In our web app, we will show this 
data as a report. A user can run it whenever he/she feel. All query seems like 
current day query. But I really need current month. Again it sometimes feel 
like ok, sometimes not.  :-)

Arup Rakshit
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if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not 
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