On 08/01/2014 04:57 PM, Chris Travers wrote:
> Hi all;
> I had a pleasant surprise today when demonstrating a previous misfeature
> in PostgreSQL behaved unexpectedly.  In further investigation, there is
> a really interesting syntax which is very helpful for some things I had
> not known about.
> Consider the following:
> CREATE TABLE keyvaltest (
>     key text primary key,
>     value text not null
> );
> INSERT INTO keyvaltest VALUES ('foo', 'bar'), ('fooprime', 'barprime');
> SELECT value(k) from keyvaltest k;
> The latter performs exactly like 
> SELECT k.value from keyvaltest k;

Interesting.  I wasn't aware of that.

> So the column/function equivalent is there.  This is probably not the
> best for production SQL code just because it is non-standard, but it is
> great for theoretical examples because it shows the functional
> dependency between tuple and tuple member.
> It gets better:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION value(test) returns int language sql as $$
> select 3; $$;
> ERROR:  "value" is  already an attribute of type test
> So this further suggests that value(test) is effectively an implicit
> function of test (because it is a trivial functional dependency).
> So with all this in mind, is there any reason why we can't or shouldn't
> allow:
> CREATE testfunction(test) returns int language sql as $$ select 1; $$;
> SELECT testfunction FROM test;
> That would allow first-class calculated columns.
> I assume the work is mostly at the parser/grammatical level.  Is there
> any reason why supporting that would be a bad idea?

This is already supported since forever.

SELECT test.testfunction FROM test;

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