"Michael P. Soulier" <msoul...@digitaltorque.ca> writes:

> Hi,
> I've dropped a db and now I'm trying to drop the user that owns all of it, but
> I can't. 
> dropdb: database removal failed: ERROR:  database "tugdb" does not exist
> [2014-10-28 13:23:40,462] INFO:Dropping user...
> dropuser: removal of role "tugdbuser" failed: ERROR:  role "tugdbuser" cannot
> be dropped because some objects depend on it
> DETAIL:  owner of table taps
> owner of table siptrunks

That user owns objects in whatever DB you're sitting in meanwhile trying
to DROP ROLE.  (template1?)

This is evident below since  you're getting full object names in the
dependency messages.

> owner of table siptrunkroutingrules
> owner of sequence sipoptions_id_seq
> owner of table sipoptions
> owner of table sip_clients
> owner of table schema
> owner of table proxies
> owner of sequence minetoptions_id_seq
> owner of table minetoptions
> owner of table minet_clients
> owner of sequence metrics_id_seq
> owner of table metrics
> owner of sequence iptranslations_id_seq
> owner of table iptranslations
> owner of sequence instances_id_seq
> owner of table instances
> owner of table icps
> owner of table dntaps
> owner of table django_session
> owner of sequence django_content_type_id_seq
> owner of table django_content_type
> owner of table cres
> owner of table config_overrides
> owner of table clusterzones
> owner of sequence clusters_id_seq
> owner of table clusters
> owner of table clusternodes
> owner of sequence auth_user_user_permissions_id_seq
> owner of table auth_user_user_permissions
> owner of sequence auth_user_id_seq
> owner of sequence auth_user_groups_id_seq
> owner of table auth_user_groups
> owner of table auth_user
> owner of sequence auth_permission_id_seq
> owner of table auth_permission
> owner of sequence auth_message_id_seq
> owner of table auth_message
> owner of sequence auth_group_permissions_id_seq
> owner of table auth_group_permissions
> owner of sequence auth_group_id_seq
> owner of table auth_group
> owner of table applications
> owner of table alarmdevents
> The tugdb database is gone but these artifacts are all from it. How is that
> possible if the db is gone?
> I can't find anything owned by tugdbuser, and I don't understand how to
> troubleshoot this. Help appreciated.
> This is postgres 8.4 on CentOS 6.
> Mike

Jerry Sievers
Postgres DBA/Development Consulting
e: postgres.consult...@comcast.net
p: 312.241.7800

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