
You have to process this in two passes. First pass you create a table of documents by unnesting the non-optional >Document elements. Second pass you explode each individual row/document on that table into its components.

Thank you. I tried code below. John Smith appears in result as "{"John Smith"}"
How to force it to appear as John Smith ?

Can this code improved, for example, merging create temp table ... select and update into single statement ?


   create temp table t(x xml) on commit drop;
   insert into t values('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

     <BuyerParty context="partner">
         <ContactFirstName>John Smith</ContactFirstName>


create temp table temprid on commit drop as
unnest(xpath('/E-Document/Document/DocumentInfo/DocumentNum/text()', x))::text AS docnumber,
           null::text as ContactFirstName,
unnest(xpath('/E-Document/Document/DocumentItem/ItemEntry/SellerItemCode/text()', x))::text AS itemcode
           FROM t;

update temprid set ContactFirstName =xpath(
    from t ;

select * from temprid

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