On 21/05/15 04:23, Peter Swartz wrote:
> I'm creating a foreign table (foo_table) in database_a. foo_table lives in
> database_b.foo_table has an enum (bar_type) as one of its columns. Because
> this enum is in database_b, the creation of the foreign table fails in
> database_a. database_a doesn't understand the column type. Running the
> following in database_a
> CREATE FOREIGN TABLE foo_table (id integer NOT NULL, bar bar_type) SERVER
> database_b
> One gets the error:
> ERROR: type "bar_type" does not exist
> I could just create a copy of bar_type in database_a, but this feels
> duplicative and possibly a future cause of inconsistency / trouble. Would
> anyone have thoughts on best practices for handling?

A foreign table is basically an ad-hoc remote data source for the local 
so the onus is on the local database to maintain its definition of the
remote table, whether it's in another (or even the same) PostgreSQL server
or a completely different data source, especially as the local definition can
be different from the remote one.

This does mean that there's no simple way of ensuring any remote dependencies 
present on the local server. PostgreSQL 9.5 will provide the IMPORT FOREIGN 
command, however this is limited to table/view definitions.


Ian Barwick

 Ian Barwick                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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