I have an application that uses Postgres 9.3 as the primary datastore.
Like any real-life application, it's not all roses—There are many ugly,
convoluted, and inefficient queries.

Some of these queries use quite a bit of memory.  I've observed a
"high-water mark" behavior in memory usage:  running a query increases the
worker memory by many MBs (beyond shared buffers), but the memory is not
released until the connection is closed.  For example, here's the memory
usage on my test server when running a query once and leaving the
connection open.

$ free -h  # Before the query
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7.8G       5.2G       2.6G       212M        90M       4.9G
-/+ buffers/cache:       248M       7.6G
Swap:           0B         0B         0B
$ free -h  # After the query
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7.8G       5.3G       2.5G       212M        90M       4.9G
-/+ buffers/cache:       312M       7.5G
Swap:           0B         0B         0B
$ sudo -u postgres smem -trs uss
  PID User     Command                         Swap      USS      PSS
 8263 postgres postgres: postgres souschef        0   200204   203977
 8133 postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin        0    50456    61090
 8266 postgres /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/sm        0     5840     6261
 8138 postgres postgres: autovacuum launch        0      776     1146
 8139 postgres postgres: stats collector p        0      300      470
 8135 postgres postgres: checkpointer proc        0      148      342
 8137 postgres postgres: wal writer proces        0      140      322
 8136 postgres postgres: writer process           0      132     6814
    8 1                                           0   257996   280422

This is proving to be very troublesome on my production server because I
use connection pooling (so connections remain open indefinitely) and the
connection memory seems to rise without end, to the point where 25 open
connections OOM'd a 4GB server.

So I have a couple questions:  Is this high-water mark memory behavior
expected?  If so, how can I identify the queries that are using lots of
memory and driving the high-water mark upwards?

I understand that this post is rather vague, I didn't want to talk your ear
off with specifics in case this was pretty basic, well-understood
behavior.  If necessary, I can follow up with an email diving into the
specifics of what I'm observing.

— Theron

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