On 09/13/2016 06:17 PM, Steve Crawford wrote:

        In case it is useful for reference, I beat my head on it a bit
        more and
        replaced "main" with "9.6":
        deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/
        <http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/> xenial-pgdg 9.6

    Yes, that is an FAQ item:


Yes, but to quote Douglass Adams, "It was on display in the bottom of a
locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the
door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard'."

And now it is not, which was the purpose of the link. To show other folks that run across this thread where to go to get information.

If I might be so bold, one or more of the following would make life
easier on users and perhaps get more people to test:

1. Change the wording in the main postgresql.org <http://postgresql.org>
announcement to be "Download RC1" and link directly
to https://www.postgresql.org/download/snapshots/

2. Bring non Red Hat releases up to parity.

By way of example, from the snapshots page clicking on the link under
Red Hat (and variants) takes you to http://yum.postgresql.org/ page
where 9.6 beta is right at the top. From there all you have to do is
select your release of choice.

By comparison, follow the https://apt.postgresql.org/ link under Debian,
Ubuntu Linux and you are redirected to the wiki where, if you are
fortunate, you will find "Have a look at the FAQ." nestled about
half-way down then dig through that page. I never got there but figured
it out by clicking through the file browser after wasting time seeing
lots of 9.6 utilities/addons already listed but broken due to the lack
of availability of the actual server and client.

I know this is open source. I know that people work on their "itch" or
what their employer sponsors. I'm just sharing the user experience
should it provide value and increase the number of testers.

About the 'itch' thing, it is a Wiki so you have the ability to scratch that itch. You can sign up for a community account:


and then:

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Adrian Klaver

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