From: jotpe   Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 1:17 PM

Does anybody know a Software for generating graphical entity relation models 
from existing postgresql databases?
Best regards Johannes


I don’t know any useful free ones, but my favorite less expensive one (and the 
one I’ve used for the last few years) is xcase ( .  It 
can reverse engineer against most current popular databases including Postgres. 
 The current version has 2 postgres quirks: 1) you cannot (for some bizzare 
reason) declare a json/jsonb column, so I declare it as text and simply adjust 
the generated DDL as needed.  2) you cannot declare an index on a text column 
(as if they are thinking it is akin to a sql server text column).  Other than 
those issues, which can be easily worked around, it is by far the fastest 
modeling tool I’ve ever used (I’ve used the more famous ones), and the fully 
comprehensive, with a very modern looking UI.


In contrast, there are the over-priced dinosaurs with old ugly UIs.  A while 
back I reviewed some of the modeling tools, and none did it for me, I went 
ahead and got another license to xcase.


Mike Sofen (Synthetic Genomics)

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