Thomas Kellerer <> writes:
> Tom Lane schrieb am 18.10.2016 um 15:20:
>> Personally, I'd try looking in pg_depend to see if the column's default
>> expression has a dependency on a relation of type sequence.  That avoids
>> all the fun of parsing the expression and turns it into a simple SQL
>> join problem.

> I thought pg_depend only stores the dependency if the the sequence was 
> assigned 
> an owning column (through OWNED BY). 

No, there will be regular expression dependencies as well.

regression=# create table t1 (f1 serial);
regression=# select * from pg_depend where objid = 't1_f1_seq'::regclass or 
refobjid = 't1_f1_seq'::regclass;
 classid | objid | objsubid | refclassid | refobjid | refobjsubid | deptype 
    1247 | 47198 |        0 |       1259 |    47197 |           0 | i
    1259 | 47197 |        0 |       2615 |     2200 |           0 | n
    2604 | 47202 |        0 |       1259 |    47197 |           0 | n
    1259 | 47197 |        0 |       1259 |    47199 |           1 | a
(4 rows)

regression=# select pg_describe_object(classid,objid,objsubid) as obj, 
pg_describe_object(refclassid,refobjid,refobjsubid) as ref, deptype from 
pg_depend where objid = 't1_f1_seq'::regclass or refobjid = 
              obj               |        ref         | deptype 
 type t1_f1_seq                 | sequence t1_f1_seq | i
 sequence t1_f1_seq             | schema public      | n
 default for table t1 column f1 | sequence t1_f1_seq | n
 sequence t1_f1_seq             | table t1 column f1 | a
(4 rows)

That 'a' dependency is the one that pg_get_serial_sequence() looks for,
but the default-to-sequence dependency will be there in any case.

regression=# create table t2(f2 int default nextval('t1_f1_seq'));
regression=# select pg_describe_object(classid,objid,objsubid) as obj, 
pg_describe_object(refclassid,refobjid,refobjsubid) as ref, deptype from 
pg_depend where objid = 't1_f1_seq'::regclass or refobjid = 
              obj               |        ref         | deptype 
 type t1_f1_seq                 | sequence t1_f1_seq | i
 sequence t1_f1_seq             | schema public      | n
 default for table t1 column f1 | sequence t1_f1_seq | n
 sequence t1_f1_seq             | table t1 column f1 | a
 default for table t2 column f2 | sequence t1_f1_seq | n
(5 rows)

                        regards, tom lane

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