On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 4:13 PM, metaresolve <solvemet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> However, when I look at the table it's got the OID fields in there. From
> what I read, the default is set to off, so I don't understand why they're
> creating them.
> <http://postgresql.nabble.com/file/n5933807/30652992334_36a60a0fed.jpg>

​The first 7 fields in the image are system fields that are always present
but should never be visible.  I'd raise a complaint over on
pgadmin-supp...@postgresql.org - or learn the psql utility.


On the second image you are using double-quotes to delimit a string
literal.  This is wrong.  PostgreSQL always uses single quotes to indicate
literal string value double quotes are reserved for object identifiers
(table names, column names, etc).

David J.

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