> From: Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com>
> To: "pgsql-general@postgresql.org" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
> Sent: Monday, 27 March 2017, 18:08
> Subject: [GENERAL] Trigger based logging alternative to table_log
> I have some code which uses table_log 
> (http://pgfoundry.org/projects/tablelog/) to keep a log of changes to 
> selected tables.  I don't use the restore part, just the logging part. 
> It creates a new table for each table being logged, with several additional 
> columns, and adds triggers to insert rows in the new table for changes in the 
> original.
> The problem is that table_log hasn't been maintained in nearly 10 years, and 
> pgfoundry itself seems to have one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel.
>There are several other systems out there which store the data in hstore or 
>json, which I would probably use if doing this from scratch.  But I'd rather 
>preserve the existing log tables than either throw away that data, or port it 
>over to a new format.
>Is there any better-maintained code out there which would be compatible with 
>the existing schema used by table_log?

I was in exactly the same situation a few years ago.  As you say ideally we'd 
move away from table_log - but when the users are used to doing things the 
table_log way and they like it...

I have a slightly more up to date fork (here: 
https://github.com/glynastill/pg_table_audit), which as I recall works fine 
with 9.6.  In general the whole thing would benefit an overhaul, but I think 
the effort of moving to a better format would be less.

I also wrote a pl/pgsql version as mentioned by Felix, but I wasn't ever 
particularly happy it so stuck with the above fork with the intention of 
switching away to a json format eventually.


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