Hi Andres.

> 25 апр. 2017 г., в 7:17, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> написал(а):
> Hi,
> I've lately seen more and more installations where the generation of
> write-ahead-log (WAL) is one of the primary bottlenecks.  I'm curious
> whether that's primarily a "sampling error" of mine, or whether that's
> indeed more common.
> The primary reason I'm curious is that I'm pondering a few potential
> optimizations, and would like to have some guidance which are more and
> which are less important.
> Questions (answer as many you can comfortably answer):
> - How many MB/s, segments/s do you see on busier servers?

Nearly one WAL (16 MB) per second most of the time and 3 WALs per second in the 
beginning of checkpoint (due to full_page_writes).

> - What generates the bulk of WAL on your servers (9.5+ can use
>  pg_xlogdump --stats to compute that)?

Here is the output from a couple of our masters (and that is actually two hours 
before peak load):

$ pg_xlogdump --stats 0000000100012B2800000089 0000000100012B3000000088 | fgrep 
-v 0.00

Type                                           N      (%)          Record size  
    (%)             FPI size      (%)        Combined size      (%)
----                                           -      ---          -----------  
    ---             --------      ---        -------------      ---
Heap2                                   55820638 ( 21.31)           1730485085 
( 22.27)           1385795249 ( 13.28)           3116280334 ( 17.12)
Heap                                    74366993 ( 28.39)           2288644932 
( 29.46)           5880717650 ( 56.34)           8169362582 ( 44.87)
Btree                                   84655827 ( 32.32)           2243526276 
( 28.88)           3170518879 ( 30.38)           5414045155 ( 29.74)
                                        --------                      --------  
                    --------                      --------
Total                                  261933790                    7769663301 
[42.67%]          10437031778 [57.33%]          18206695079 [100%]

$ pg_xlogdump --stats 000000010000D17F000000A5 000000010000D19100000004 | fgrep 
-v 0.00
Type                                           N      (%)          Record size  
    (%)             FPI size      (%)        Combined size      (%)
----                                           -      ---          -----------  
    ---             --------      ---        -------------      ---
Heap2                                   13676881 ( 18.95)            422289539 
( 19.97)          15319927851 ( 25.63)          15742217390 ( 25.44)
Heap                                    22284283 ( 30.88)            715293050 
( 33.83)          17119265188 ( 28.64)          17834558238 ( 28.82)
Btree                                   27640155 ( 38.30)            725674896 
( 34.32)          19244109632 ( 32.19)          19969784528 ( 32.27)
Gin                                      6580760 (  9.12)            172246586 
(  8.15)           8091332009 ( 13.54)           8263578595 ( 13.35)
                                        --------                      --------  
                    --------                      --------
Total                                   72172983                    2114133847 
[3.42%]           59774634680 [96.58%]          61888768527 [100%]

> - Are you seeing WAL writes being a bottleneck?OA

We do sometimes see WALWriteLock in pg_stat_activity.wait_event, but not too 

> - What kind of backup methods are you using and is the WAL volume a
>  problem?

We use fork of barman project. In most cases that’s not a problem.

> - What kind of replication are you using and is the WAL volume a
>  problem?

Physical streaming replication. We used to have problems with network bandwidth 
(1 Gbit/s was consumed by transferring WAL to two replicas and one archive) but 
that became better after 1. upgrading to 9.5 and turning wal_compression on, 2. 
changing archive command to doing parallel compression and sending WALs to 
archive, 3. increasing checkpoint_timeout.

> - What are your settings for wal_compression, max_wal_size (9.5+) /
>  checkpoint_segments (< 9.5), checkpoint_timeout and wal_buffers?

xdb301e/postgres M # SELECT name, current_setting(name) FROM pg_settings
WHERE name IN ('max_wal_size', 'checkpoint_timeout', 'wal_compression', 
        name        | current_setting
 checkpoint_timeout | 1h
 max_wal_size       | 128GB
 wal_buffers        | 16MB
 wal_compression    | on
(4 rows)

Time: 0.938 ms
xdb301e/postgres M #

> - Could you quickly describe your workload?

OLTP workload with 80% reads and 20% writes.

> Feel free to add any information you think is pertinent ;)

Well, we actually workarounded issues with WAL write rate by increasing 
checkpoint_timeout to maximum possible (in 9.6 it can be even more). The 
downside of this change is recovery time. Thanks postgres for its stability but 
sometimes you can waste ~ 10 minutes just to restart postgres for upgrading to 
new minor version and that’s not really cool.

> Greetings,
> Andres Freund
> -- 
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