2017-04-26 6:21 GMT+02:00 Glen Huang <hey...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> I have a RESTful API server that sends and receives JSON strings. I'm
> wondering what might be the best way to leverage PostgreSQL's JSON
> capability.
> For sending JSON responses to clients. I believe the best way is to ask
> PostgreSQL to generate the JSON string and then pass that directly to
> clients, instead of making multiple queries to construct the JSON and then
> send it,  which doesn't seem optimal. Is that the case?
> For updating db using JSON requests from clients, that I'm not so sure.
> Should I directly pass the request JSON to PostgreSQL and ask it to parse
> this JSON and execute a transaction all by itself, or should I parse it in
> the server and generate the transaction SQL and execute that on PostgreSQL?
> The former sounds optimal, but I'm not sure if PostgreSQL is able to walk a
> JSON structure and run a transaction along the way? Should I do it with
> PL/pgSQL? It seems functions can't execute a transaction?

The PLpgSQL is static language and is good for static processing JSON doc,
but it is unfit for iteration over any generic nested document. You can use
PLPerlu, PLPythonu. Lot of people uses PLV8 for JSON processing.

The functions in PostgreSQL are executed under transaction - you cannot to
explicitly control transaction, but there are possibility to implicitly
handle transactions with exception handling. There is workaround via dblink
to emulate autonomous transactions.



> Would like to hear some thoughts on this. Thanks.
> Glen

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