On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Glenn Pierce <glennpie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> and I have a simple query that fails

​This is not failure, this is a query that found zero matching records.

> Ie
> SELECT sensor_id, MAX(ts), date_trunc('day', ts), COALESCE(MAX(value),
> 'NaN')::float FROM sensor_values_days WHERE ts > '2017-10-06
> 00:01:01+00' AND ts < '2017-10-06 23:59:59+00' GROUP BY 1, 3 ORDER BY
> 1, 2;
>  sensor_id | max | date_trunc | coalesce
> -----------+-----+------------+----------
> (0 rows)
> If I remove the timezone part of the start date I get results.
> Ie
>  ts > '2017-10-06 00:01:01'
>     597551 | 2017-10-06 01:00:00+01 | 2017-10-06 00:00:00+01 |    13763
> I'm sure I am doing something silly but can't see what.

Does anyone know what is going on here ?

​The "max(ts)" result indicates a time of midnight, the 6th, GMT

ts > '2017-10-06 00:01:01+01' equates to > '2017-10-05 23:01:01+00'  of
which midnight, the 6th, GMT is indeed more recent

ts >  '2017-10-06 00:01:01+00' is 12:01:01 on the 6th, GMT, of which
midnight GMC, the 6th is NOT more recent

David J.

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