If you want to return rows with zeros, you may need to do something like this:

select b.name as viewer, count(viewerid)
from xenons b left join viewer_movies a on (b.id = a.viewerid)
group by b.name

Eddy Macnaghten wrote:

select b.name as viewer, count(*)
from viewer_movies a, xenons b
where b.id = a.viewerid
group by b.name

On Sat, 2004-10-23 at 00:55, Mark Harrison wrote:

How can I combine these two queries?

# select viewerid,count(*) from viewer_movies group by viewerid order by viewerid;
 viewerid  | count
 22964835 |   3055
 22964836 |   1291
 22964837 |   3105
 22964838 |    199

planb=# select name from xenons where id = 23500637; name --------- x.moray

I would like to end up with a query result like this:

 viewer   | count
 x.surf   |   3055
 x.dream  |   1291
 x.moray  |   3105
 x.sleepy |    199

Many TIA!

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