Le vendredi 11 mars 2005 à 10:10 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] a
écrit :
> An idea I like, because I have entrenched windows clients also, is to run
> things that run best under Linux on VMWare (vmware.com) and to run good
> Windows things (like desktop apps) under Windows.  Linux can be either the
> host or guest OS under VMWare, so the options of which OS is truly in
> control are symmetrical.  I'm proposing this to my customer to solve a
> completely different set of problems (not PostgreSQL related) but the
> approach might have merit here as well.
> If anyone has tried this please respond.

=:-D A man with good ideas! Yes this rocks. 

I had a database running like this for quite some time at a clients. It
was an NT server running on a Linux host but other way round it works
just as well. This permits easy replication, easy backup (take a VMware
snapshot of your virtual disk from time to time). I could ssh into the
Linux box and reboot the NT virtual machine after working hours.

Right now the high end virtualisation stuff from the ESX and GSX virtual
machines is trickling down into the Workstation variant. You will be
able to do much more with the VMware 5 Workstation which is on beta test
at the moment.

For all Windows shops this is a very good way of running Linux without
getting your hands dirty. I would recommend
http://lwn.net/Articles/69534/ any distribution based on RHEL. If you
decide to go all the way later you will already have RHEL experience for
$189 outlay - the cost of the VMware workstation licence.



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