On 7/18/05, Lincoln Yeoh <lyeoh@pop.jaring.my> wrote:
> However, maybe padding for alignment is a waste on the disk - disks being
> so much slower than CPUs (not sure about that once the data is in memory ).
> Maybe there should be an option to reorder columns so that less space is
> wasted.

Out of curiosity, do I understand right that if I create table

CREATE TABLE sample1 (
    a boolean,
    b int,
    c boolean

...it will take more storage than:

CREATE TABLE sample2 (
    b int,
    a boolean,
    c boolean

...I don't think such ordering should matter, but I would like to know
how it really is. :)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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