Marc G. Fournier wrote:

'k, I'm obviously doing something wrong, since my experiences with sites like indicate things should be *alot* faster then I'm getting ...

Well the first thing I would ask is are you running 8.0? My testing shows that Tsearch is pretty abysmal if you are not running 8.0. At least with very large tables.

I have a *very* simple table:

=# \d article_tsearch
  Table "public.article_tsearch"
   Column   |   Type   | Modifiers
 article_id | integer  |
 idxft1     | tsvector |
    "at_idxft1_idx" gist (idxft1)

rblog=# select count(1) from article_tsearch;
(1 row)

Is there something else I should be doing to speed the query up any? Or is this fairly normal?

Considering the number of rows I am not that surprised but I would be curious to know what type of HD you have? Also correct me if I am wrong but gist indexes are typically very large. Do you have enough work_mem/sort_mem to keep them from going to disk?


Joshua D. Drake

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

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