On 10/3/05, Giovanni M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Round and trunc dont provide the functionality I need.
> Say for example I have two values in a column of type numeric as follows:
> 23.455
> 12.300
> What I need to happen is stripping the "useless" zeros in the
> fractional part of numbers so 12.300 would become 12.3 and 23.455
> would stay the same
> Round and trunc canĀ“t do this without me first checking if the number
> can indeed be "rounded" to a number without losing its precise value

As a workaround, you could try using the trim function. You'd need to
cats your numbers to text strings, but it looks like it will drop
useless 0's for you.

test=# SELECT trim(trailing 0 FROM '12.300'::TEXT)::NUMERIC;
(1 row)

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