Tom Lane wrote:
Chris Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Of course, if the "ability to support R/3" ...
Ah-hah.  *Now* it's all clear: an alternative to Oracle for SAP...

Speaking of SAP...

Jeff Nolan, a Venture Capitalists from SAP Ventures
has been following the Oracle/Innobase acquisition, and has some
rumors and speculation around the events.

For one, he's heard $5-$6 million and that MySQL has some guarantees
on their Innobase contract:

and had some speculation of petty bickering between Benchmark (the
lead VC in MySQL's previous round) and a partner from Oracle (Lane)
at a rival firm:
Marten Mickos himself responded and denied that rumor, and he
later retracted that speculation.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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