Rodrigo Gonzalez wrote:
I answer here so each one can help you.

Cannot understand what you mean....index is numbered? Are you talking about "autoincrement" as called in mysql? use sequences please

Sorry, forgot that your email address was in the reply-to field.

I was seeking a solution on how to make a faster count on a lot of rows,
and I was wondering on the difference between PostgreSQL's and MySQL's (MyISAM) of handling counts.

I understand the advantages of MVCC compared to row/table locking.
And as far as I have understood PostgreSQL count the rows looping
through all rows, and that's why it takes that long when there are many

But how is MySQL (MyISAM) doing it, and why doesn't that way work in
the MVCC model.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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