Mike Rylander wrote:

Mike Rylander wrote:
On 12/6/05, Marcus Engene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


A & (B | (New OperatorTheNextWordMustFollow York))

Actually, I love that idea.  Oleg, would it be possible to create a
tsquery operator that understands proximity?  Or, how allowing a
predicate to the current '&' op, as in '&[dist<=1]' meaning "next
token follows with a max distance of  1".  I imagine that it would
only be useful on unstripped tsvectors, but if the lexem position is
already stored ...
This might not be a solution in the longer term, but what I do for that type of thing is

idxfti @@ '(a&b)' and message ~* 'a b'

Postgres is smart enough to use the results of the GIST index and go from there with the message scanning.


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