Tom Lane wrote:
Madison Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oh shoot, I really wasn't very verbose, was I? Sorry about that.
[ default pg_hba.conf with only "ident" lines ]

Ah, that explains your question about whether passwords were good for
anything at all.  With this pg_hba.conf they aren't --- the server will
never ask for one.  You'd want to replace some of the "ident sameuser"
entries with "password" (or more likely "md5") if you want password
challenges instead of checks on the user's Unix login identity.  See
the PG administrator docs at
(adjust version as needed)

I've played with the MD5 and I think I will write a little howto or something similar to explain the options to a user who wants more security but for now I will default to leaving things as-is.

So ultimately my question becomes; How can I prevent other valid postgres database users from connecting to the 'tle-bu' database ('postgres' being the obvious exception)? Can I do this with some combination of GRANT and/or REVOKE?

At the moment you have to do that by adjusting the pg_hba.conf entries.
One possibility is to use "sameuser" in the database field, eg,

# TYPE  DATABASE    USER        IP-ADDRESS        IP-MASK           METHOD
# Database administrative login by UNIX sockets
local   all         postgres                                        ident 
# All other connections by UNIX sockets
local   sameuser    all                                             ident 

This will let "postgres" connect to anything but other users can only
connect to the database named after them.  If you need more flexibility
that that, consider setting up groups named for databases and using
"samegroup" --- then you grant or revoke group membership to let people
into databases or not.

It'd be an obvious extension to provide a direct "LOGIN" privilege
on databases and grant or revoke that, but given the samegroup
workaround it's not a real high-priority feature ...

                        regards, tom lane

Many thanks for your help clearing that up! If I can vote for the extension being created, consider this it. Mainly for the reasons I've mentioned; trying to handle security programatically instead of relying on the end-user (who may be less technically enclined) doing it. I know that I could have my program handle the editing of the 'pg_hba.conf' file but I don't trust myself with doing that write given that order is important and the wide number of possible configurations.


          Madison Kelly (Digimer)
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