"Andrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Has anyone used OpenOffice Base?  Just a thought.  Or Rekall - it's
>> a bit immature, but it might do what you want.  The dreaded MS
>> Access can do what you describe in about 4 minutes...
> Postgres lacks easy GUI frontend with report generation capabilities
> like Access.
> To fix this pgAdmin should be implemented in OpenOffice. This will
> create a very good Postgres management tool for both administrators
> and end users.  This reduces the development cost since ready-made
> OpenOffice components can be used.

Unfortunately, we don't run OpenOffice.org *or* pgAdmin on any of our
IBM pSeries clusters, so for us, that's a pretty much useless answer.

The folks I'm thinking of here *are* material to the matter, as we
have actually been trying to get some reasonably material budget put
together to come up with a report generation "solution," albeit with a
mandate that it can function in X-less environments.

The above biases aside, OpenOffice.org has seemed terribly heavyweight
any time I have used it for anything database-related.
"Why use Windows, since there is a door?"
-- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Andre Fachat

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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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