On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 10:39:08AM +0800, Leonard Soetedjo wrote:
> Sidetracking a little, I've got to admit that I'm not very sure of
> the impact of ORM to databases.  Some OO proponents insist on not
> using stored procedure etc. unless there is a compelling reason
> (e.g. Martin Fowler in his book Patterns of Enterprise Application
> Architecture).

I've found "compelling reasons" any time my app isn't one I could
simply download from freshmeat, so I suppose this is true, but only

> So actually a database like MySQL4 would suffice, as much as I hate
> to say it.

Not if you want to get data back out when you put it in, it isn't.

David Fetter [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://fetter.org/
phone: +1 415 235 3778

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